
Zsuzsanna Hornyik

Science should serve as a compass for everyone - Interview with Tamás Freund, president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Science should serve as a compass for everyone - Interview with Tamás Freund, president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) elected academic Tamás Freud for new president of MTA at its 193. Assembly with election of officials, on 7th July 2020. The world-famous neurobiologist followed László Lovász as president of the Hungarian scientific public body, which was founded by count István Széchenyi in 1825. After his graduation in 1983, he made researches in Oxford for several years, when he was invited back to Hungary by Szilveszter Vízi E. in 1990 to lead the Department Morphology of the Experimental Medical Scientific Research Institute (Hungarian abbreviation: KOKI) of the Academy of Sciences. Tamás Freund worked as president of KOKI from 2002 and made it to an internationally acknowledged centre of brain research. As Ferenc Oberfrank mentioned it in an earlier interview, the strength of the institute was beside excellent scientific organisation the professional science-management, thanks to the work of Tamás Freund -among others (URL1). It is esteeming to feel that science can help by its research results everyday life. To reach this aim, the new president of the academy intends to build out a good connection network with ministries, governmental institutions and simultaneously to open towards the society. How he imagines to build out this structure, and how he considers the challenges to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences? – about that was asked president Tamás Freund by Zsuzsanna Hornyik.


Hungarian Academy of Sciences, interview, public body