
Katalin Erdélyi - Lénárd Zsákai - Péter Dulai - Zoltán Csizner - Gábor Mátés

International Law Enforcement Observer VII.

International Law Enforcement Observer VII.


Value: The international outlook draws readers' attention to the exciting topics of policing theory and law enforcement. It introduces the role of the human factor in forensic expert activity; we receive an assessment of international organized crime based on new criteria; we can study the world of assassinations; we meet video surveillance of public areas, and finally we talk about a specific area of ​​self-defense.
Methodology: The methodologies draw attention to the human factors of expert errors, introduce economic aspects in the investigation of the causes of organized crime, recommend the so-called "scenario" method for analyzing criminality, present the effects of community supervision on populations with multiple disadvantages, in violent physical conflicts they call for an examination of mental reactions.
Findings: Scientifically proven knowledge of individual law enforcement research topics can be more complete and useful for practice if researchers rely on methods that are well suited to the investigated phenomena.
Value: The particular topics of law enforcement, examined with sufficient competence, can contribute to more effective protection of public safety.


security sciences, public security and public order, research topic