
József Pallo

The Effects of the Trianon Peace Treaty on the Development of Corrections in Hungary

The Effects of the Trianon Peace Treaty on the Development of Corrections in Hungary


The Trianon Peace Treaty had a profound effect on the social and governmental structure of Hungary. These changes of course also influenced the field of corrections and actually altered some of its key aspects as well. The author will recall several key penological concepts and ideas from the era to provide an introduction to the philosophical foundations of the establishment of correctional legislation and the resulting substantive changes that occurred. Moreover, a detailed analysis will be provided on the system of enhanced severity workhouses, an emblematic punitive measure that addressed the unfavourable criminological tendencies of the 1920s, that emerged as consequences to the Trianon Peace Treaty. The essay will conclude with deducing the generalized historical, legal and moral lessons and conclusions pertaining to this peculiar period of Hungary.


magyar büntetésvégrehajtás, független jogi terület, alkalmazás, szigorított dologház