
Péter Felföldi – Róbert Major – Gábor Mészáros

Particular questions of law enforcement training and traffic policing in Slovakia

Particular questions of law enforcement training and traffic policing in Slovakia


The Department of Public Safety of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the National University of Public Service and the Department of Law Enforcement Science of the Academy for Police Force in Bratislava (Akadémia Policajného zboru v Bratislave, Katedra policajných vied) have maintained well-functioning informal connections for the past years. Mutual invitations for conferences, publishing of papers, mutual visits in each other’s institutions occurred and similar events are planned also for the future for associates of both departments. The present paper intends to introduce a brief presentation of the experiences at the professional visit, as an event of the excellent connections, in May 2018.


traffic policing, Slovakia, law enforcement training