
András Czebe

Fuzzy logic behind forensic identity

Fuzzy logic behind forensic identity


With the development of forensic sciences during the 20th century, macro-scaled empirical relations were supplemented with micro- and submicro-scaled probability relations. High sensitivity analysis methods imposed increasingly stringent criteria on the science of individualization. This process even labelled those traditional forensic sciences junks, which rely heavily on an indefinable set of characteristics in order to achieve individuality. However, this has not led to a systematic change in the judicial interpretation of expert evidence. In this paper I will therefore address the theoretical question: What logic lies behind forensic identity? In order to answer this question, I conducted explanatory research in the fields of forensics, criminal law, philosophy and logic. Following the collection and interpretation of qualitative data, such as the relevant literature, legislation and case law, I came to the conclusion that fuzzy logic lies behind forensic identity.


forensic identification, individualization, identity, fuzzy logic