
Katalin Molnár

‘Safety anywhere and anytime’ - The impact assessment of a crime prevention project in Nógrád county

‘Safety anywhere and anytime’ - The impact assessment of a crime prevention project in Nógrád county


It is a generally believed and popular opinion among criminal experts who ap proach the issue superficially, that the impact of crime prevention work is undetectable, as it cannot be measured what does not happen. In particular, if the act of crime, becoming a victim or becoming a perpetrator is prevented, then the authorities have nothing to deal with it, no criminal data is generated from it, and it is not added to the criminal records. In this approach, the performance of crime prevention professionals cannot be measured. At most, it can only be measured how satisfied the target groups were with all the programs that the professionals had designed and implemented. Surveys of the effectiveness of crime prevention carried out in the recent years have pointed out those professional activities and methods that produced positive changes. Such a survey – given the high demand for human and financial resources – is rarely carried out. It is a necessity and a must to measure how crime prevention tendencies develop where the crime prevention activities are regular, systematic and adequate to the target groups. However, this would require a much larger research apparatus. The study presents the impact assessment of the crime prevention project ‘Safety anywhere and anytime’ of the Nógrád County Police Headquarters between 1 February and 31 October 2020. Based on the answers to twenty questions asked in the questionnaire, the opinion of the respondents about the series of 31 crime prevention events focusing on 11 program elements is revealed. The police wanted to participate in increasing common security of the ten catching-up settlements in the county with the colorful programs. This time the selected participants were Bárna, Buják, Diósjenő, Érsekvadkert, Kazár, Nagybárkány, Nógrádszakál, Rimóc, Szécsény and Varsány. The methods were varied: from a campaign event to trainings, and were designed to activate participants from children to the elderly. The results of the questionnaire clearly show positive reception, and it is encouraging news for the crime prevention professionals in Nógrád county. But maybe not only for them. Others can learn from them how to invent and implement a complex and therefore effective set of prevention programs. The final event of the project was also unusual. Due to the coronavirus situation, the summary event was planned to be carried out by applying the Police Café method, but it could not have been held with a personal presence, only virtually. In this way, the first online Police Café was also able to debut, where the results of the questionnaire survey were available to those who were interested.


crime prevention, impact assessment, online Police Café