
Sándor Dragon - Ivett Nagy - Richárd Tamás Pék - Péter Gergely Pászti - Gábor Németh - József Beke - Zita Veprik

International Law Enforcement Observer IV.

International Law Enforcement Observer IV.


The column flashes excellent and also internationally interesting research results from several fields of law enforcement management and law enforcement practice at this time. Here you can get acquainted through several historical surveys and by use of statistics the course of contract killings in the Russian Federation between 2003 and 2019. Two further recensions focus on the coherences of law enforcement and public policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. On one hand you can get known the practice in the United States, characteristic for the role of the police in management of the pandemic, and on the other hand you can get a picture of the effects of coronavirus pandemic on environment protection and public health. A recurring topic is the corruption meeting the police organisations, through Turkish examples at this time. You can read in a new aspect about the „hybrid” practice of public and private security. An exciting topic is the review of debate questions between law enforcement science and practice. Here is a key question whether the scientific researches on the fields of security and law enforcement theory can be realised within the frames of an independent discipline and if they can consort with other scientific branches, too. A special area of crime prevention is architecture, where an important aspect is the increase of urban security in the environment of housing estates. To realise that, a cooperation among urban planners, criminologists and police experts is needed.  


law enforcement, international, observer