
Mihály Boda

Applying Just War Theory for Policing: Historical and Contemporary Theories. Just Policing Theory

Applying Just War Theory for Policing: Historical and Contemporary Theories. Just Policing Theory


Just war theory is an old-established and deeply elaborated moral theory of state’s war-related behavior which partly morally restricts, partly morally entitles state’s behavior. Naturally arises the possibility of expanding the theory, or at least some of its rules, to other sorts of state’s behavior. One of the possible ways of expansion is just policing theory. The foundations of just policing theory are the social contract theories of the 17-18th centuries. These theories help to define the basic rules of the theory, like the rules of particular and general just purposes of the institution of policing, and the rule of the institutional and personal entitlement to promotion of just purposes.


just policing theory, just war theory, social contract theory, ethics of policing