
Barbara Fibiné Babos

Relevance of mental health in law enforcement higher education

Relevance of mental health in law enforcement higher education


Aim: Mental health is a clear pathway to adequate change management, personal development and optimal adaptation. This is particularly important in law enforcement higher education, where students face constant physical demands as part of their preparation for law enforcement work. In addition to the conceptual definitions of mental health, this paper will also discuss the specific characteristics of law enforcement higher education. I approach mental health from the perspective of students in law enforcement higher education and emphasise the developmental and positive psychological aspects of mental health.
Methodology: In order to identify the specific characteristics of law enforcement work and the characteristics of students in higher education in law enforcement, I conducted resource analyses. I have summarised the study of the components of mental health based on relevant literature. In content analysis, I focused on possible links between the three areas to be examined: policing, higher education, mental health.
Findings: As a platform of preparation for law enforcement work, higher education in law enforcement is increasingly focusing on competence development in line with its professional tasks. And the linkages clearly lead to the development of positive mental health. Training to develop specific competences is also aimed at improving mental health by supporting students’ health behaviour through a positive psychological approach.
Value: The need for a health-conscious lifestyle, both physically and mentally, is becoming increasingly obvious, suggesting an increase in the value of health. As well as physical health, the relevance of mental health is indisputable, as the challenges of recent years have shown. Future directions for research should be set, based on the complexity of mental health, through the development of each of its components.


mental health, higher education of law enforcement, positive psychology, health behavior