
Ernő Krauzer

The teaching-methodological situation of police officer training

The teaching-methodological situation of police officer training


Aim: In the present study, the author presents the answers to the questionnaire used in the research “Educational-Methodological Development of Police Officer Training”. The aim of my research is to examine the didactic methods used in police training and its development. The questions in the questionnaire were placed in the Microsoft Forms Office application and the author sent the
link to the target people.
Methodology: The research consists of the author’s own educational experience, a historical overview of police training, an international perspective, the practice of other Hungarian bodies, document analysis, a questionnaire survey and interviews.
Findings: The respondents are the heads and subordinates of the public order service branch, as well as the teachers, trainers and police students of the institutions dealing with police training, a total of 1421 people. From the large number of respondents and the responses, it can be concluded that the renewal of police training is timely and that practice orientation needs to be increased. Three-quarters of the respondents learned Police Tactics, based on which they drew their opinions from their own experiences. It can be concl uded from the responses that the teaching method used in the subject of Police Tactics, developed and introduced in the second half of the 1990s, should be extended to police training, which greatly facilitates the integration of police students into different service positions. The number of situational exercises should be increased and the use of smart tools should be included in training. Based on the opinions of the respondents, it is possible to model and teach the knowledge required for police work in modules.
Value: The answers to the questionnaire suggest that the didactic methods used in the training of police officer need to be changed. The development of a new didactic method may be the subject of further research. Applying a new didactic method to police officertraining would mean a paradigm shift.


questionnaire, tactics of police measurment, training, education