
Zoltán Chikán-Sonne

Protection of artifacts during air transport

Protection of artifacts during air transport


Aim: The aim of the study is to provide information on the specific security rules for the transport of objects of virtu by air.
Methodology: The study draws on international and national legislation governing aviation security, the conventions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the educational resources developed based on these conventions.
Findings: Several options are available to minimize the risk of damage during the transport of objects of virtu and to implement specific protection rules. When transporting objects of virtu, not only the risk of damage due to packaging and handling, but also the additional risks due to additional handling, dismantling, and packaging for screening for aviation security must be taken into account. The main focus in aviation security is on preventing the placement of prohibited articles in cargo, which must be balanced within the framework of the rules with the need to protect the integrity of the objects of virtu.
Value: The rules and objectives of aviation security and their practical implementation have been the subject of many studies, but, to the author's knowledge, no detailed theoretical study has yet been carried out on the summary of security solutions for the special type of goods transported by air, i.e. objects of virtu.


transport of objects of virtu, security of objects of virtu, aviation security, aviation defense