Editorial Committee

Editorial Committee

The composition of the Editorial Committee has undergone considerable changes in the first quarter of 2020. The conditional criteria of Department IX. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the category „A” stipulate in the first point that the members of the Editorial Committee must come from at least five several institutions and three countries. According to this regulation the composition of the Editorial Committee changed from 1. March 2020 as follows.

Editorial Committee of Belügyi Szemle

President of the Editorial Committee: Dr. László Felkai, under-secretary for public administration, Ministry of Interior

Secretary of the Editorial Committee: Prof. dr.  Valér Dános, ret. pol. major general, associate professor

Members of the Editorial Committee:

Prof. Dr. Géza Finszter, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. István László Gál head of department, university professor

Prof. Dr. József Haller doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, head of department, university professor

Prof. dr. habil. Csongor Herke, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, tenured university professor 

Prof. Dr. László Kecskés, ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Klára Kerezsi, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, university professor

Prof. dr. András Koltay, President of the NMHH and the Media Council, university professor

Prof. Dr. László Korinek, ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Miklós Maróth, ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Barna Mezey, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, head of department, university professor

Prof. Dr. András Patyi constitutional judge, university professor

Prof. Dr. Péter Polt, university professor, chief public prosecutor

Prof Dr. István Sándor, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, tenured university professor

Prof. Dr. Mihály Tóth, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, head of department, university professor

Dr. Ludek Michalek, member of the Police Academy of the Czech Republic, university professor

Dr. habil. Philipp Fluri, Executive-in-Residence, Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Dr. h.c. Detlef Schröder, former executive director of the European Union Agency  for Law Enforcement Training

Dr. Ciprian Maftei, Ph.D., Head of the Consular Affairs at the Embassy of Romania to Hungary

Prof. Dr. Wei Changdong, professor, East China University of Political Science and Law Shanghai

Prof. Dr. Lam Kwok Yan, Nanyang Technological University Singapore